Friday 22 November 2013

The children have been busy baking bread this week, linked to the story The Little Red Hen.They have enjoyed pouring, mixing, kneading and shaping the bread mixture. We hope they have enjoyed eating them as well!!!!!

The children are also having alot of fun during phonics sessions and we hope they have been practising  and or teaching you at home.
The sounds and actions they have learnt so far are s,a,t,p,i,m,n, o,d, c and k!!

More photos coming soon!!!


  1. James has been teaching me all the sounds at home and he tells me exactly which letter lots of words begin with! Today he told me off as I was saying the letter 'M' in the wrong way. Apparently you put one lip under the other and then say 'Mmmmm'!!

  2. James also enjoyed the bread making and we shared the roll at dinner time - it was very nice!


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