Tuesday 11 February 2014

Journalists in the making!

After the amazing dinosaur bone discovery in the school grounds, Year 4 have been busy writing newspaper reports in Literacy and applying new found Publisher skills in ICT.  Here are a few examples of their work:

Sophie and Scott

Daniel and Lauren


  1. Wow, I can't believe you Dino-saw (see what I did there?) a T rex bone! Great newspaper articles - maybe year 4 should start a school newspaper?

    Daniel's mum

  2. I think it was a wonderful day we did that

    from Tia l

    1. What do you think is our next school trip is gowing to be.
      Charlie yr4

  3. I think a great idea about school newspaper. I heard alot about this day and I know was enjoyed. Great article. Keep up the good work Year 4.

    Lauren's Mum


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