Friday 22 May 2020

Year 4 SCIENCE: How do you make a boat float?

This is Aiden's experiment. He used materials like lego, card and paper. Even the heavier ones floated!

Olly did the experiment also and investigated how many coins he could balance on each boat.
The results were: Paper = 9 coins, Foil = 15 coins, cardboard = 15 coins, tissue = 0 coins and kitchen towel = 1 coin.

Jack also had lots of fun with the experiment and recorded his result in a table.

Kobi was just as creative with his boat experiment and also recorded the winning boat on video.

Meanwhile, Oscar's boat held 10 Lego figures before it finally sank. He loved adding flags to his boat. 

Esmai wrote up her boat experiment after predicting that her cardboard boat would win. 

Paper = 9 coins
Foil = 15 coins 
Cardboard = 15 coins 
Tissue = 0 
Kitchen Towel = 1 coin 

 HI used 4 things foil Lego card paper the heavier ones floated the best I got the word challenge before my mum  I used 4 things foil Lego card paper the heavier ones floated the best I got the word challenge before my mum 

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