Monday 21 March 2016

Gardening Club commenced again at the beginning of March.  We started by thinking about crop rotation and which borders our; alliums, roots, brassicas and legumes were to be grown. 

And then we .......
cleared last years leeks before planting peas in the legume border,  
Tidied the shed and working areas,

planted shallots, red and white onion sets in the allium border and then hung CD's to protect them from birds! 

We sowed lettuce, broad beans, sweet peas .... (but to name a few)
Moved compost ...

 cleaned out the chicken coop and had hugs!

which everyone had helped make, by composting your left over fruit, grass cutting and chicken straw.   

But we have bigger and bolder plans......

over the coming months we plan to  .........                     

1.  plant a herb garden on the strip of ground in front of years 6, 5 and 4.

2.  build a fruit cage alongside the raised borders by the chicken coop.

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3.  and take part in the Rocket Science experiment.  This involves schools across the UK growing rocket seeds.  These seeds have been in space, with Tim Peake at the International Space Station.  And by us growing, watching and recording how they grow we will help inform scientists about growing food in space.  

To see Tim Peake's message to schools copy and paste the link below:

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