Friday, 2 July 2021

Learning Values Champions

Collaboration (June 2021)

Collaboration Champions


When the Acorns team tried to choose the winner they had lots of names to consider. Oscar always helps others by tidying up other people’s toys and games. He can always be relied upon to be in the middle of activities, listening to the ideas of his classmates respectfully. He always works well in a group, taking turns. He will do anything that he is asked, and will communicate well with others, whether children or adults.

Well done Oscar!


The team have recognised that all of the children are good at working together and being a team. They have been getting better at this throughout the year. Eva can be relied upon by Mrs Stanley and Mrs Phillips to work well in a group. She is able to spot someone who might be struggling with learning or joining in. Following this she will ask them to join in with her game or activity. She is confident supporting others and is good at helping.

Well done Eva!


Mrs Hart explained to the class that everyone in Pinecones collaborate together and so it was difficult to choose one winner. For the whole year, Tom has been good at letting people join in with his activities. He has ideas for new games to play and includes other children if they are sad or lonely. He is kind, including children not only in learning but also in play. He takes time to be with lots of different children, and includes everyone in what he is doing.

Well done Tom!


This was an easy choice for the Y2 staff team. Lauren stands out in terms of her collaboration skills consistently. She is often helping others, working alongside them and guiding them. She notices when someone needs support and helps when she can. She always works well in a group. Lauren will join a group, move groups to enable groups to work well and find partners easily. Lauren’s particular skills in this area are natural in that she notices who needs support and offers collaborative guidance when needed.

Well done Lauren!


Mr Harrison and the team used their own collaborative skills to identify the champion in Y3! Tom has collaborated and worked so well with all of their group in both English and maths learning activities. When working as part of a team or group, Tom is confident helping others during learning time. He has also helped others during play and lunch times, as well as during other times of the day. Tom always goes above and beyond to help others, and has been a good friend In Y3. He is skilled at keeping teams of children together both in learning and in play.

Well done Tom!


Like many of the other classes, Miss Macmaster said this had been a hard choice for the team. However, Amelia is always helpful, both with staff and children in the class. In lesson time, she always tries to make sure everyone else knows what they’re doing, sharing her knowledge with them. She is what the team describe as a ‘generous learner’, in that she passes useful things onto others. She has a lovely manner and lovely manners! She works well in groups of all sizes and in any combination and has become more confident at taking the lead sometimes.

Well done Amelia!


Choosing a Learning Values Champion is always hard for the Y5 team, since everyone works hard to show these continuously throughout the day. However, Eleanor stood out as a shining example from her work both in and out of the classroom. Eleanor gets on with everyone, and plays with anyone. She is positive with any team of children, either in the classroom or in PE. She is willing to work with everyone, includes everyone and allows everyone to have a go. She works well in any group, contributing and listening.

Well done Eleanor!


The Y6 team found choosing this one hard as the whole class have made progress over the year with their collaboration skills. From a short list, the team found themselves choosing the same person. Leyla can always be trusted to work collaboratively with any group in all subjects, including PE, science and maths. She is a fantastic person who helps to keep the peace between groups. She shows respectful behaviour whilst playing in different groups, spending time at break and lunch working with different people. She helps to make sure that the whole of the Y6 class team can work together as one team.

Well done Leyla!