Tuesday 13 August 2013

Rhino Spotting

Well, we're half way through the summer holidays and I hope you've been having a great time. What things have you been up to? I've been rhino spotting in Southampton and look what I've found....!

It's our rhino - 'Handsome'! Have you managed to find him yet? If not, take a trip to the Tudor House in the city centre and visit the café - you'll find him having a bite to eat in there. You don't need to pay to enter the area he's located in.
Handsome is by far my favourite rhino but here are a few more that I really liked. Why not have an explore and see how many you can find? I've found 93 so far!
Rhinos being exported
and rhinos that are boats.

Rhinos sailing off to Cowes.... 
and rhinos playing Giraffes & Snakes.

Sparkly rhinos...      
and dramatic rhinos.

Punk rhinos...
and rhinos with gadgets.

Rhinos relaxing with cups of tea....
and rhinos hard at work.


Rhinos covered in map symbols... 
and rhinos that are funky.

Rhinos in the African plains....
  and rhinos that look like a Matisse.
Rhinos that are stars...
and rhinos that are very funky!


Have you ben rhino spotting? Which ones have you spotted? Have you any favourites? Why not let everyone know by adding a comment below. I'd also love to know about the exciting things that you've been up to over your summer holidays so far!


  1. Daddy is taking the girls rhino hunting tomorrow whilst mummy goes clothes shopping in preparation for her new job! We will let you know what we find. Lucy (s) mum.

  2. I rily injoyed rhino hunting today. We found 22 rhinos. My favourite one was the patchwork one with flowers. I saw a silver one made out of glass and I found the Kings Copse one in Tudor House. We did get soaking wet though but I'm dry now. Lucy s.

  3. I haven't had a chance to find ANY rhinos yet. I hope I'm not too late to find our rhino 'Handsome' and his buddies...!

  4. I haven't gone rhino spotting yet. I would like to though! Hope everyone's back to hard work! I have made lots of new friends at Wildern and haven't got lost yet! Got my first piece of homework yesterday. :( Hope you are having fun in yr6,
    Emma S
    ex yr6


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