The Great Space Race
After WWII, the USSR and America entered into a different kind of battle - The Space Race. Both countries were eager to become the first nation into space and walk on the moon. History now tells us that America won this battle, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin successfully stepping onto the moons surface whilst Michael Collins piloted Apollo 11 waiting for their return.
Mrs Warland and Miss MacMaster thought it would be fun for us to experience this race and enter into our own team challenge. Hidden around school were snippets of information detailing the events that led to the famous "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" moment.
Our challenge was:
1: Find them
2: Read them
3: Keep a record of how many space missions each country completed.
4: Declare a champion.
Did you know that USSR sent two satellites, Sputnik I and Sputnik II into space in 1957? Both of these successfully orbitted Earth and the later had a dog on board named Laika. Perhaps they are the true winners!
Did you know that, between 1957 and 1972 America completed 52 space missions whilst the USSR only completed 36?
When we were becoming exhausted, Mrs Warland and Miss MacMaster provided us with clues to help us with our mission - some were just as confusing!
That adventure was so much fun I loved searching for all of the tags