Friday, 26 April 2024

Our last day!

 Year 5 - these last few days have been an absolute pleasure! You showed all of our learning values off perfectly; every school adult and instructor has been so impressed by all of you. Although as I left, Benson did tell me that the instructors are sick of hearing I Want It That Way! You are a credit to your families and our school. We couldn’t be more proud of you! 


  1. Thank you so much to all the adults who put in their time and effort to make this trip amazing for our children.
    Keira had a great time and really enjoyed herself. x

  2. Thank you so much to all the adults who put in their time and effort to make this an amazing residential for our children.
    Keira had a great time and I know this trip will have really boosted her confidence.
    Thanks again. x


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