Sunday, 9 March 2014

Fairtrade Friday!

For the past two weeks it has been Fairtrade fortnight at Kings Copse! On Friday, Year Five spent the afternoon investigating how Fairtrade communities helps cocoa bean farmers.

First, we stood in a line and passed a handful of sand down the line. We quickly realised that the person standing at the end of the line received the least amount of sand.
What do you think this might represent?

 We then stood in smaller groups and repeated the same activity. This time, we found that the person standing at the end of the line received much more of the sand! We then talked about how Fairtrade helps the people at the end of the line (the farmers!) to get more in return for their hard work.

We also took part in drama activities which made comparisons between a farmer supported by a Fairtrade community, and one who isn't. 
What do you think the differences in their lifestyles might be?

Finally, we discussed how we could help support Fairtrade farmers by buying (and eating!) Fairtrade products.


  1. mmmmmm thanks miss halton!! is was delish

  2. it was a amazing day we learnt so much about fairtrade and how much of a difference it makes to peoples life


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