Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Revamp of Early Years outside space!!

We are beginning to develop the space outside our of classroom now that the bad weather has finally ended (hopefully).

We have created a mud kitchen for the children to explore and learn in whilst having fun. We are also in the process of decorating the outside 'hut' where we will be turning it into a real 'home space' with help from both parents and children.

We also have a great 'small world' area with tyres filled with different materials (including stones, soil and straw).

Thank you to the mums that have already given their time to help us start with the decorating!!!!

We would also like to say another big thank you to Keith from Hilliers Garden Centre who donated some wooden pallets for us to use. We plan to use them for many different things, including a 'Bug Hotel'.


  1. The revamp looks brilliant, the children will have lots of fun and learning.
    The fairy house are very intriguing! Can't wait to hear more...


  2. It's all coming along very nicely, Year R team. The outside space is certainly a very exciting place to play in. I have even seen the mud pudding made in the mud kitchen!
    Mrs. Keene


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