Sunday 26 April 2020

Fabulous Year Five

Year Five have been making me feel incredibly proud this week - they've all been working so hard! There have been thank-you messages shared, NHS scrubs bags made, marble runs built, silly pictures drawn, maths challenges completed, letters to friends written, balloon cars tested and lots of brilliant reading and writing learning too!
Keep up the brilliant work my fabulous Year Fives!


  1. Well done Year 5, this is amazing work. I hope that you are all keeping safe!
    Take care,
    Mr Harrison

  2. Hi Year 5,
    Love this work. Miss seeing you all.
    Take Care
    Mrs. Callen

  3. My goodness Y5 - you are continuing to keep very busy and do even more amazing things. Fingers crossed we will all be able to be back at school soon and we can catch up face to face! Miss you all.

  4. Wow Year 5! You have all been so busy. Well done. Mrs Warland


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