Tuesday 6 May 2014

Plant mysteries!

Year 6 have been busy discussing their theories on how plants grow. We've planned investigations to find out what plants need to grow well.

In our groups, we decided how we would use the equipment and how we would make our test fair.

We then began setting up our investigations! We needed to plant the seedlings carefully so as not to damage the plant. We then measured the plants to see how tall they were.

This group are investigating how different amounts of air may affect how the plants grow.

This group are investigating how different amounts of water might affect the plant.

This group have used soil, compost, sand and stones to see if the type of soil makes a difference.

This group want to find out if the colour of the light will make a difference.

This group were brutal with the scissors! They want to find out if the number of leaves make a difference.

We also have two other investigations! One group are investigating the amount of light and one group is investigating if watering the plants with different liquids (such as coke and lemonade) will affect the plant.

What do you think will happen? Why not comment below with your predictions?


  1. interested to see if the cola kills the plants

  2. Really interesting. What happened to the plants in different coloured light and the one being watered by cola? Having seen what cola can do to a penny I can't imagine that plant would have grown well!
    Mrs Goto


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