Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Canopic Jars

As part of out topic on the Ancient Egyptians, we have been making our own Canopic Jars!

After discovering what the jars looked like and how they were used,  we planned our own designs, thinking carefully and shape and pattern. 

To make the jars we covered long tubes with paper to give them some shape and we then used papier mache to make them strong. We smoothed out any lumps and bumps with paint brushes!

Once the papier mache layer had dried, we covered the jars with layers of white tissue paper. This helped give the pots a smooth finish and will make it easier to paint them.

The next steps include painting the jars, marking them with hieroglyphics and making the animal head to go on the lid.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying making the canonic jars!
    Joshua c


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