Tuesday 11 June 2013

Vision Awareness Morning at Kings Copse Primary School

We had a brilliant morning yesterday in year one and year two! The children got the chance to take part in many different activities which helped them begin to understand and become more aware of different visual impairements that some people live with everyday.

The children had the opportunity to write their names and other messages in Braille.

They used the I-Pads to see what people with different visual impairements are able to see.

They had the chance to play different games using blindfolds.

The children used blindfolds and 'feely' bags to identify
objects without the use of their sight.

They looked carefully at their own eyes and drew pictures with labels
showing the main parts of the eye.

The children had the chance to be a sighted guide for
another child, helping them around the outside area.

Braille writing.

Braille writing.


  1. Gosh! What a busy morning you had and such a wide variety of activities. Mr Cownie showed me some fantastic tactile pictures today. A picture can be drawn on special paper using an ordinary black pen, when this picture is passed through a special heat machine the lines of the drawing are "raised" creating a tactile picture. The pictures feel velvety. I enjoyed the sensation of feeling the pictures. Ask Mr Cownie to show you if you haven't already seen these pictures. I was shocked at how expensive this special paper is, nearly £1 for one A4 sheet! Mrs Spurr (yr r parent)

  2. I had fun doing all these things. It was really interesting too. And I like all these pictures. Isobel Year 1

  3. it was fun when Terry,Jolie and Jenny came to visit year 2 and 1.It was fun.
    From melissa.

  4. Taylor enjoyed looking at these pictures. She said she would like to be able to write her name in braille.

    Taylor Mum Yr R

  5. Another fun activity would be to blindfold one kid and have her listen to different sounds the other kids make and try to follow them. A great follow up would be to have blindfolded kids touch smell and taste different foods and try to guess what they are.


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