Tuesday 8 September 2015

Toilet Rolling Back in Time!

As part of our Science, we have begun to look at evolution and how the world had changed over billions and billions of years. We began by looking at our fantastic school timeline to see how far humans went back in history. However, this wasn't the start of the Earth!

We decided to go outside and unravel a toilet roll as a timeline of the Earth's history. The loo roll was over 400 sheets long and each square represented a small part of 5 billion years! 

We then began to mark on the line where different parts of the Earth's history took place.

Even though the world is 5 billion years old, we found out that dinosaurs only existed 250 million years ago! 

We also noticed that humans appeared near the end of our toilet roll - we've only been on Earth 100,000 years! 

Over the coming weeks, we'll be looking to see how the Earth, its plants and its animals have evolved and changed over time. We'll also be looking to find out what animals evolved to become humans 100 000 years ago!


  1. Wouldn't it be great to have a TARDIS? You could travel back and see what life was like all those years ago. In the absence of a time machine, I hope the new history mural helps you to place events in the past... I can't wait to see what you find out!

  2. This looks fun. I hope you enjoyed it.
    Isobel, Year 4

  3. I remember when I was holding the toilet paper their was a worm crawling up my finger.

  4. it was really fun!

    from darcy


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