Wednesday 3 April 2013

Let's Make Recycling Fun

We are always trying to develop our learning environment and resources. Over the Christmas holidays there are lots of things you may be throwing out which we can make use of. If you are ever getting rid of or can spare anything from the list please bring it in.
·     Large clean boxes big enough for the children to get into. If you get any larger items for Christmas let us have the boxes!
·     Clean small plastic containers with lids - such as the ones used by takeaways
·     Old yogurt pots / balls for putting washing liquid in etc as these make great glue pots
·     Corks and cork tiles
·     Wrappings and shiny papers from sweets and chocolates
·     Dried lentils, beans, spices, seeds and pasta that can be used in art
·     Pot pourri (particularly any with larger pieces as again these are great for collage etc)
·     Interesting large garden materials such as seeds / bark / gravel that the children can use to make patterns with
·     Sheets, blankets and large pieces of fabric (white or pale colours that can be used to paint large scale scenes on are particularly useful)
·     Large clean sponges or loofahs (great for making trees for our small world play)
·     Unwanted greetings cards and envelopes (children love to write on these in the writing area)
·     Left over ribbons, wrapping materials and trimmings for use in art (things that aren't too seasonal are more useful
·     Ropes, large bulldog clips, drainpipes, large bamboo tubes, large card tubes - things we can use when building outside and creating dens
We are grateful for any donations no matter how big or small.

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