Thursday 4 April 2013

This week's phonics

This week in phonics the children working in the phase 3 group will be learning the 'ee' phoneme as in feet, the 'ai' phoneme as in train, the long 'oo' phoneme as in boot and the short 'oo' phoneme as in book. They will also be reviewing the previously learned phase three phonemes j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, sh, ch, th and ng.

Miss Bailey's phase 2 phonics group will be concentrating on 'ck', 'e', 'u' and 'r' this week. they will also be revisiting all of the other phase 2 phonemes learned so far s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c and k.


  1. How do we know if our child is in group 2 or group 3 other than asking our children, I don't always get a consistent answer!

    Originally posted by Lucy's mum on Posterous blog - Jan 2013.

  2. Most of the children are on phase 3. I have spoken to parents of those who are working on phase 2 so they should be aware.

    Originally posted by Mrs. Goto on Posterous blog - Jan 2013.

  3. Thank you. We will revise the correct Group!

    Originally posted by Lucy's mum on Posterous blog - Jan 2013.


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