Tuesday 2 April 2013

Playing with Braile

Today Lewis was using the Brailler to write his Christmas list. Lots of other children enjoyed using the Brailler too. They fed the paper in, and used the keys to produce the raised dots on the page. Everyone had great fun and I expect we will have to get the machine out again soon.


  1. Taylor really enjoyed using the brailler and was keen to show me her pieces of paper with the dots on. She discussed how the machine looked and told me it had numbers but no letters.

    Originally posted by Taylor's Mum Dec 2012 on Posterous Blog

  2. Yes, Lydia came home talking about the brailer, now I know what she was talking about. So pleased Lewis got to do a list too, excellent. And brilliant it sparked such interest for the other children too!!!

    Originally posted by Lydia's Mum Dec 2012 on Posterous Blog


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